Annual Inter-Livery walk

Annual Inter-Livery walk a success despite the rain!

On the 19th September the annual Inter Livery walk took place. Twenty-one Masters accompanied by a member of their Livery, Wardens and Past Masters walked 8.5 miles around the City of London, visiting 40 Livery Halls. A photographer was at hand to take pictures of the participants as they stopped at each Hall.

Breakfast and coffee was served at Armourers’ Hall to prepare the walkers for their 9am start. It began dry, but the walkers remained determined and in tremendous spirits as the weather turned wet. The photos show lots of smiley faces and many umbrellas!

Mark Grove of ‘The Cook and The Butler’ served a superb lunch at Baker’s Hall where everyone recharged their batteries for the afternoon leg. The walk finished at 4pm at Grocers’ Hall.

The Inter Livery walk is organised each year by Past Master Stephen Wright of the Worshipful Company of Environmental Cleaners. It guarantees £1,000 from entry fees for the Lord Mayor’s Charity Appeal. Both the Past Master and the current Master of The Environmental Cleaners Maureen Marden helped lead the walk, making sure no-one stepped out of line!

The walk is an opportunity for individual Livery Companies to sponsor their Master and raise money for their own Livery. This year, our Master and Past Master Ken Pepperrell were sponsored, raising £1,100 for our Livery Charities Fund. A big thank you goes to everyone who generously sponsored them. The WCoBM Charities and Education Committee will ensure effective use is made of all donations.

The Inter Livery walk is now in its ninth year, and has become an important event in the Livery’s calendar.


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Managing Director, JKW PR & Marketing Tel: 07971 968611 Email: [email protected]

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