In the case of the Lord Mayor, the result is generally a foregone conclusion, but there are occasionally contested elections for the Sheriffs.
Current Keeper of the Roll: Steve Durdant-Hollamby
The Keeper of the Roll is fourth in line to be Master and is a member of a number of Committees within the Company. They also have specific roles during Court meetings.
Current Immediate Past Master: Alan Hawkins
Each year’s Master becomes Immediate Past Master for the following year, and supports the current Master and Court. The Immediate Past Master also acts as Deputy should the Master be absent for any reason.
Current Bursar & Assistant Clerk: Julie Langford
The Bursar (Finance Officer), with assistance from the Clerk and according to the instructions of the Court, prepares the Company’s annual budget, manages the collection of Quarterage (membership subscription), prepares VAT returns, and prepares the annual accounts for the auditor. The Bursar also carries the title of Assistant Clerk.
Current Almoner: Charles Ledigo
The Almoner is a member of the Court – usually a Past Master – who is responsible, along with other members of the Charities Committee (which includes the Trustees of the Company’s Charitable Fund) for determining which causes to support with charitable grants. The Trustees are responsible for the Charitable Fund’s financial health and ensure that any grants further the objects of the Charitable Fund. The Almoner also deals with much of the administration of both outward and inward donations (ie, dealing with requests for donations and managing the contributions from members, including dealing with Gift Aid).
Current Clerk: Jane, Lady Hilliard
The Clerk, essentially the CEO of the Company, is responsible for the day-to-day administration, organising the Master’s programme and all the official events of the Livery Company. They attend and prepare papers for the Court and Committees, manage the membership, and oversee the interface between the Company and the City.
Current Secretary: Donna Lodge
The Secretary assists the Learned Clerk in the day-to-day administration of the Company.
Current Beadle: James Hasler
The Beadle undertakes ceremonial duties at Company events.
A team of Assistants supports the Court in the day-to-day running of the Company, as well as being involved in the Committees that oversee its future growth and development. They are:
Julian Milligan
Rav Singh Sumal
SJ Lawson
Alderman Dr Sir Andrew Parmley
General the Lord Dannatt GCB CBE MC DL
The Reverend Canon Roger Hall, MBE
The Reverend Canon Roger Hall, MBE
The Master
HR Grant
AB Williamson
Charities Committee – C Ledigo
Education & Training Committee – LM Di Stazio
Development Committee – GJ Hopkins
Election Committee – AB Williamson
Events & Marketing Committee – LM Di Stazio
Finance Committee – JE Langford
Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Committee – S Dunkley
3PWRR – GA Day
HMS Forth – SJ Turner & RW Hill
Beckenham & Penge Sea Cadet Unit – FM Russell Horne
The Royal Air Force Battle of Britain Memorial Flight – GJ Hopkins, MJP Tattam
A Hawkins (2023-24)
R Hill (2022-23)
AB Williamson (2021-22)
SW Pierce (2020 – 21)
Dame Fiona Woolf, DBE, DL (2019–20)
Ms PAJ. Latham, MA, MBA, ACIS, FCMA (2018–19)
BM Blanchard (2017–18)
SJ Turner, BA (2016–17)
LJ Martin, FCA, BBS, MA (2015–16)
Mrs GE Moore (2014–15)
JC Poore BEM (2013–14)
GA Day (2012–13)
AG Ballinger, BSc (2011–12)
GJ Hopkins (2010–11)
KB Pepperrell (2009–10)
RJ Taylor (2008–09)
JA Adams, MA, MSc (2006 – 07)
FH Robertson* (2005-06)
MS Earle, FCA (2004–05)
SJ Somerville* (2003–04)
CG Bence* (2001–02)
CGA Latham, MA, FCA* (1999–2000)
AB Castledine, ACMA* (1994–95)
M Pares, BSc, CA* (1983–84)
DCR Hesketh* (1982-83)
D Gandy* (1978-79)
* Honorary Court Assistants