Electing the next Lord Mayor of London

No matter how many times you see or take part in it, electing a Lord Mayor of London is an impressive event. Only Liverymen may elect a Lord Mayor. The Guildhall itself is pretty impressive too.

On this occasion, Monday 30th September, it was even more significant for our Company since  Alderman Fiona Woolf CBE, an Honorary Member, was one of the three candidates for the 686th Lord Mayor.

Many of our Liverymen attended to give her support. It is always a well attended event, but this time even more popular than usual. Taking advice to turn up an hour early to secure a seat in the Great Hall wasn’t enough. A number of us had to take our seats in the Livery Hall, close by, which also filled up three quarters of an hour before the ceremony. There we watched on a large screen, and were called on to vote for two of the three candidates via microphones and cameras.

Hundreds of years of continuity and continuing relevance ensure the ceremony, the
succession of uniforms, and the formal addresses will never become just a fascinating

Those who gather on the Hustings in the Great Hall include the Lord Mayor, Lord Mayor Elect, Sherrifs, Aldermen, a Swordbearer, and the Common Serjeant bearing the Mace, the Serjeant-at-Arms, Recorder, Usher, Common Cryer and Town Clerk. It’s an extremely august and colourful gathering.

While the Aldermen retired to choose one of the two candidates, the Assistant Town Clerk Peter Nelson
entertained us as usual with a succession of amusing stories and a slightly irreverent joke or two. It is the last time he will speak in this role. Peter will be a hard act to follow.

Having been voted in Fiona Woolf, as Lord Mayor Elect, declared her assent to take up office (on 8th November). The Swordbearer placed on her shoulders the Chain worn during her year of Shrievalty. Then there are a series of resolutions to thank the late Sheriffs and others. Finally, The Lord Mayor, with the Lord Mayor Elect on his left, together with the Aldermen and City Officials leave the Hustings in reverse order to that of the first procession. The Livery Committee and the Masters, Prime Wardens and Upper Bailiff of the Livery Companies leave Guildhall and return to the Crypts to remove their gowns and chains.

Liverymen then make their exit with many of us heading off to celebrate.

About the author

Managing Director, JKW PR & Marketing Tel: 07971 968611 Email: [email protected]

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