Flock of Sheep cross London Bridge

On the 29th September, The Worshipful Company of Woolmen invoked the right of Freeman of the City of London to drive their sheep across London Bridge. It’s one of London’s oldest traditions. The aim is to raise awareness of the City’s Livery Companies and their significant contribution to charities. The event raised money for the Lord Mayor’s Appeal and the Woolmen’s charitable trust.

All Freemen of the City, along with their family and friends, were invited to take part. Bemused tourists looked on as 600 Freemen, friends and families together with their flock of sheep gathered to support this age old tradition. Our Master, his wife Sara, Junior Warden Gill Moore and Liverymen Allan Durning, Giles Bloomer & family and Paul Hetherington, were among those taking part on this memorable day. The event was filmed by ITV News.


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Managing Director, JKW PR & Marketing Tel: 07971 968611 Email: [email protected]

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