The Master’s Weekend

A varied and fascinating weekend was arranged this year for the Master’s weekend, revealing the splendours of the North East. Beautiful sunshine and an England win in the World Cup was the icing on the cake!


Durham Cathedral

With record numbers of over 70 members, partners and guests attending, the weekend started Friday evening with a tour of Durham Cathedral followed by a black-tie reception and dinner in the Undercroft Foyer and Restaurant of the Cathedral.


Beamish Museum

On Saturday morning, we went back in time with a trip to Beamish Museum. Known as ‘The Living Museum of the North’, Beamish is an authentic, working museum that tells the story of everyday life in the North East from the 1820s to the 1940s. With ‘real-life’ buildings and original materials inside, we were able to experience the daily life of farming in the 1820s through to shopping or working in a 1900s town. It was fantastic, memorable and fun.


Kynren – An Epic Tale of England

A traditional fish and chip supper kick-started Saturday evening before travelling to Bishop Auckland for a breath-taking performance of Kynren. And what a performance it was! The colours, the action and the story made it impossible to take your eyes off the superb staging.

Kynren is a spectacular outdoor live show that takes you on an amazing journey through 2,000 years of history, myth and legend. Magnificent sets, combat, stunts, horsemanship, stunning pyrotechnics and amazing special effects make it a captivating experience.


The many fantastic photos from the weekend can be viewed from our Photo Gallery here:

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