WCoBM Newsletter Winter 2019

In this issue our (now) Immediate Past Master Pippa Latham reflects on her remaining term as Master in the latter part of 2019, and welcomes our new Master Dame Fiona Woolf DBE, DL.

Pippa’s Master’s weekend in Oxford saw many members enjoy the outstanding grounds and rooms of Blenheim Palace, with punting and Alpacas also on the agenda over the two days! The unique experience of The Household Division’s Beating Retreat made for a memorable evening too as a new event introduced to members and guests in 2019.

We also talk about our Company’s participation in the Pan-Livery Philanthropic initiative, with Court Assistant Simon Lawson and Past Master Stephen Turner closely involved as part of the working party; and we provide an update on WCoBM’s involvement with Build Up and the positive impact of our contribution in helping the charitable organisation create new community spaces in deprived areas of the City.

Our Livery continues to grow strongly, and the ‘Members News’ on pages 17-19 are packed with the latest developments as well as reporting on other member successes.

We end this issue with highlights on upcoming events for 2020, with full details at www.wcobm.co.uk/events/. Please be sure to add these dates to your diary!

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