No Going Back – Get Involved!

No Going Back is a new Livery Company initiative set up to support the rehabilitation of offenders through funding and job offers.

Our Company is actively involved with this project, with Past Master Stephen Turner and Keeper of the Roll Simon Lawson on the steering committee. The project is London-based and focussed on jobs in construction and the built environment, which as we know, hold wide opportunities, from HGV driving and on-site construction through to administration, sales, engineering, IT and other roles. Most importantly the initiative is aimed to specifically meet the skill needs of employers.

The programme works with Bounce Back, an organisation with extensive experience in helping people in prison prepare for job opportunities. Bounce Back works with both the employers and the potential candidates to match their skills and talents to the job description. Employers are then invited into prisons to meet suitable applicants and engage with them as they prepare for life outside. On release, the Bounce Back team work closely with the employers to ensure the passage into employment is as seamless as possible for all parties involved. The availability of accommodation through partnerships with housing organisations is a unique part of this programme, removing a vital barrier to employment for those released with a job but nowhere to live.

Piloting of this initiative was due to start in February, but due to Covid lockdown, it was deferred to 1st July. It will kickstart by working with three London prisons: Brixton, ISIS and Wandsworth.

Recognising that we continue to work in a restricted environment imposed by Covid, which will make it difficult for employers to visit prisons and to potentially recruit, the programme is adapting by setting up distant learning opportunities between employers, prison leavers and prisoners. Done largely via Zoom, the programme is calling for volunteers to provide online learning and support. This could range from hosting employer round tables through to filming advice on interview skills and CV writing. The project would also welcome career information and employer materials to go into individual packs.

To find out more visit

If you have job opportunities within the M25 area or would like to help through volunteering, contact:

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