No Going Back – A letter from the Chair Johnny Robertson

Dear Masters, Prime Wardens, Upper Bailiff and Clerks,

Over two years ago, arising out of the Pan Livery working groups that were set up in 2017, a Livery philanthropic initiative started to take shape. It was important to those involved in creating the ideas that such an initiative had to have certain key objectives:

  1. It had to deliver, for those people we are trying to help, a better outcome than individual Livery Companies could achieve through their own individual charitable giving.
  2. It had to attract the interest of Livery Companies to fund the one year Pilot project.
  3. Equally it had to attract Livery Companies who were able to support the project by other means eg through members providing employment opportunities and volunteering.
  4. It had to clearly demonstrate that with the right idea and the right structure to deliver that idea, Livery Companies, big, small, wealthy or not so wealthy could work together.
  5. It had to have the potential for longevity.

Some two years later the initiative has now been running for 9 months; one of its key objectives was to support 40 ex-offenders into employment. Despite the significant challenges presented by the Covid pandemic, 38 ex-offenders are already in employment through NGB. This is an outstanding achievement by everyone involved in the project and a showcase for what Livery Companies can achieve through working closely together to deliver a far greater impact than by working alone.

The idea behind NGB is simple: to rehabilitate offenders by preparing them for life upon release through equipping them with skills, mentoring, providing jobs and accommodation (where needed). Livery Companies are uniquely placed to support this project since collectively we are able to provide expertise in training, job opportunities, volunteering and funding.

The NGB Steering Group is now seeking the funding from Livery Companies and the commitment of members of the Livery to allow a significant expansion of the initiative in Year 2 and beyond.
The cost per ex-offender into employment for the Pilot Initiative is just under £8K based on supporting 40 ex-offenders into employment. The projected cost for Year 2, based on supporting 90 ex-offenders is projected at £4.65K per ex-offender. These numbers compare with the cost of re-offending to HMG estimated at £70K per reoffender.

During the first Year, 13 Livery Companies supported NGB and through representation on the NGB Steering Group helped to shape and oversee the initiative. Our hope is that this number will grow in Year 2 and beyond to provide increased funding, more jobs and more Livery volunteers to help mentor those coming out of prison.

If your Company and your Members would be interested in hearing more about supporting NGB in Year 2 and beyond, we would welcome the opportunity to present and discuss these proposals. Please come back to either myself ([email protected]. Tel 07770580975) or to Rebecca Thorpe ([email protected]) if your Company would like to hear more.

Yours sincerely,
Johnny Robertson
Chair of the No Going Back

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