Election Court General

One of our Livery’s main events each year is the Election Court General. All Liverymen and Freemen are expected to attend as it’s an important occasion where our new Master and Wardens are elected for the ensuing year. 

On Monday 25th April 2022, Senior Warden Richard Hill FCCA (pictured left) was elected as WCoBM’s new Master. He will be supported by Senior Warden Elect Alan Hawkins and Junior Warden Elect Stephen Boyer. Richard’s Installation Ceremony will take place on Friday 21st October 2022 at Stationers’ Hall.

At the Court General we also welcomed John Coe as a new Liveryman.








This year the Election Court General returned to Trinity House, one of London’s most distinguished venues with delightful views across the Trinity House Gardens to the Tower of London. The building holds many maritime artefacts and partners and guests were able to enjoy a tour of the building while the Election took place.

Divine Service at the Tower

Following the Election, a short walk to the Tower of London led to the unique experience of attending the Annual Divine Service in the historic Chapel Royal of St Peter ad Vincula. Members and guests then returned to Trinity House for a reception and dinner. The Guest Speaker dinner was Dr Heather Barrett-Mold OBE, The Immediate Past Master Gardener and Vice Chair of Pollinating London.








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