Livery Philanthropy Leaflet Published

The Livery Committee decided that a summary of the results of Livery Giving in terms of grants and volunteering should be published as a small leaflet. The details below deliver the important message that the Livery is an enormous force for good.

The three core values of the Livery Companies are:

  1. To support their trade, craft or profession
  2. To provide education and training
  3. To pursue philanthropic endeavour

One of the distinguishing features of the City’s Livery Companies and Guilds and their 47,000 Liverymen and Freemen is their remarkable philanthropy. For centuries they have given funds and provided pro bono professional support and volunteering to improve the welfare of disadvantaged groups and helped with education and the nurturing of skills.

The grants and volunteering provided reach a wide area far beyond the City’s Square Mile.

The Livery movement is in the top six charitable grant makers in the UK.

We summary the activity below for the year 2021-22.


Education £30 million
40% of this sum goes to educational bursaries and scholarships for disadvantaged pupils, the funding of Academies, Schools and Further Education Colleges across the state-maintained and independent sectors, and to trade related research.

Young People £4.9 million
7% goes to young people for training, apprenticeships and other support to their career development.

Alms Housing £15.3 million
20% to almshouses and caring for the elderly and infirm.

Some £6m is donated annually by Livery members through regular giving, plus as much again in pro bono value. Every Company and Guild maintains a charitable trust fund, and all members are expected to contribute donations regularly according to their means.

Three quarters of financial support comes from income or drawdown from historical assets. Some Livery Companies have, through careful stewardship, accumulated assets since the 12th century onwards allowing them to make larger grants annually.

The Modern companies formed from 1926 onwards also play their full part with member donations, fundraising and pro bono support adding to the annual charitable endeavour.


A major element of the philanthropic giving is provided by the time, talent and effort volunteered by Liverymen and Freemen.

More than 1,000 School Governors and Charity Trustees are appointed by their Livery Companies, and a wide range of volunteer support is provided to front-line charities.

Much of this activity is targeted towards the disadvantaged in the community – in particular, homelessness, hunger, domestic abuse, mental health and to address prevention of re-offending.

Many Companies also help their professional bodies and trade associations by supporting training and apprenticeships, often providing mentoring and tuition and by sponsoring awards and prizes designed to nurture enthusiasm and encourage excellence.

Thousands of hours of pro bono activity are undertaken to provide professional support by Livery Company members, much of which goes unrecorded.

These activities are merely the tip of the iceberg of the support provided by members of the Livery.

Download the leaflet here

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35 Lucksfield Way Angmering West Sussex BN16 4GU

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