WCoBM Summer 2022 Newsletter

Our Summer newsletter features WCoBM’s new Master Andy Williamson and is packed with key events and activity since the Master’s Installation last October.

With Covid restrictions lifting, our Company has been able to enjoy a number of ‘live’ events, starting with the Installation Ceremony & Dinner at Plaisterers’ Hall. This issue also features the return of our popular City & Awards Luncheon (Page 11), the Election Court General (Page 15), the Master’s Weekend (Page 16) and many other events over the Summer (Pages 18-19).

In Member News (Pages 5-8) we welcome new Liverymen and Freemen, we celebrate other member achievements and we draw attention to WCoBM’s newly designed ‘Plain Guide to the Livery’ where members can learn about the history of City Livery Companies and about our Officers, Governance and Ward Connections.

Training and Education is a core objective of our Livery and WCoBM is active in driving awareness of careers in merchanting and of our bursary support. The Company is involved with various organisations that help promote job opportunities in building materials supply, one of these being the Construction Youth Trust (CYT). On Page 9 we highlight the Maddie Rose Campaign, in partnership with the CYT, and the development of a ‘Hidden Careers’ programme. The Campaign aims to inspire young talent and open the door to work experience and apprenticeship opportunities across our sector. We encourage as many members as possible to embrace the Campaign and spread the word.

We end the newsletter with our annual update on WCoBM’s two charitable funds and a special note from our Almoner John Poore.

Download the digital copy here or view via Flipbook.

Enjoy the read!

With special thanks to the services of MRA Marketing for the design of the newsletter.

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