Farewell Bulletin from the Rt Hon The Lord Mayor

10th November 2022

Fellow Liverymen

In my previous bulletin, I had the happy task of recounting the sterling work of the City of London and the Livery in honouring the life and work of Her Majesty The Queen in the Platinum Jubilee celebrations over the summer.

Since then, I have had the more sombre duty of representing the City of London in the events following the death of Her Majesty on 8th September. Along with the two late Sheriffs, Alderman Gowman and Alderman Lyons, I had the responsibility and honour of participating in the Accession Council for our new Monarch, King Charles III, on Saturday 10th September.

On the same day, it was my memorable duty to proclaim the new King from the steps of the Royal Exchange to the people and communities of the Square Mile and a global television audience of many millions. The following week, I attended Her Majesty’s Funeral at Westminster Abbey – perhaps the largest gathering of international Heads of State and leaders ever assembled.

Although the days and weeks following The Queen’s death were filled with mourning and sorrow, I strongly believe they also showed the United Kingdom and the City of London at its best. The precision with which the events and ceremonies surrounding the change of reign were carried out was exemplary. The eyes of the world were upon London, and our country, and we did ourselves, and Her Majesty, proud. Indeed, the expressions of condolence and sympathy from around the world showed the high esteem in which our late Sovereign was held globally. Although my visit to Australia was cancelled because of The Queen’s death, during my subsequent visits to India and to the Gulf, every person I met with was keen to pay their respects and express their gratitude for her life of work and service.

Moreover, I know King Charles III will be an excellent Monarch and a friend of the City of London. Indeed, his excellent address to the nation on the evening of 9th September set the tone for his reign. God save The King.

As well as the Platinum Jubilee and the events surrounding The Queen’s death, it has been a busy and eventful year, both domestically and internationally. The double change in Prime Ministers, the triple change in Chancellors of the Exchequer, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Omicron variant, the gradual emergence from Covid restrictions, the rise in inflation and associated economic difficulties mean the last 12 months will live long in our collective memory.

However, in a time of change, one thing which has remained constant is the support of the Livery Companies for the City of London and the Mayoralty. I could not have carried out my role as Lord Mayor without the help and support of the City’s Liverymen.

Indeed, 2022 was the first time we had carried out full, in-person events since 2019. And so many were a great success. The Lord Mayor’s Big Curry Lunch raised a record sum. The Beckett Pageant over the summer allowed many companies to showcase their trades in Guildhall Yard. And the Livery’s magnificent response to the ongoing war in Ukraine has so far raised over £500,000 for the Disaster Emergency Committee and other causes supporting those affected by the conflict. Your support for me, Amanda and the whole civic team is extremely appreciated and I cannot thank you enough.

It was a pleasure to welcome the Masters, Prime Wardens and Upper Bailiff of nearly every company to Mansion House in late October and early November for in-person coffee mornings. On the agenda were the topics of sustainability, inclusion and philanthropy.

It is clear many companies are actively considering how they can continue to improve their sustainability standards – be that in their Halls, property portfolios or educational and charitable endeavours. There is also some very strong work being carried out on inclusion, and attracting a wider-range of people to consider joining our livery companies. My thanks to all masters who attended and contributed so positively.

The coffee mornings also raised the hugely impressive philanthropic work of our livery companies. The Pan Livery Steering Group has recently published its 2022 Impact Report on the livery’s shared philanthropic endeavour. The headline results were outstanding and I would encourage you all to read the report in full. Aggregate Giving by the Livery is now £75m – up 4.4% on 2020. Members of the Livery provide over 143,000 hours per annum in pro bono support to the charitable sector, which I believe is an underestimate of the real contribution. And the excellent Livery Kitchens Initiative, backed by more than 60 companies, provided over 175,000 meals to Barts Hospitals and 16 City Harvest communities.

I know the Livery Charity Chairs Group is now actively considering how it can partner with City Harvest on a more permanent basis. It’s another wonderful example of the positive benefit the livery has on our charities, and in wider society, and I am extremely grateful for your continued philanthropic efforts.

2022 was the year in which international travel restarted in earnest. As the ambassador for the United Kingdom’s Financial and Professional Services, I have visited 18 countries in the last 12 months, making the business case for the City of London. The return of overseas travel has been especially valuable and shown the irreplaceable value of in-person meetings to build relationships.

I know my successor, Alderman Nicholas Lyons, is keen to continue a full programme of mayoral travel and looking forward to representing the City, both in the UK and overseas. His first three Mayoral visits will be to Northern Ireland, Wales and New York before Christmas.

I wish Nick, the incoming Lady Mayoress, Felicity, and the two Sheriffs, Alderman Alistair King and Andrew Marsden, the very best for their terms in office. They will be outstanding representatives for the City of London and our livery companies and I know you will support them as generously as you have supported me.

I shall continue to play an active party in civic and livery life in the City, after the usual period of post-Mayoral ‘purdah’, and I am set to re-join your ranks as Master Woolman in April 2023. I look forward to seeing a great many of you next year. Amanda and I would like to express our sincere gratitude to you all.

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