As a City Livery Company, the Worshipful Company of Builders’ Merchants (WCoBM) has a core objective to support training, education and charitable works, both as part of the Lord Mayor’s Appeal and also within our own industry.
It is what our work as a modern Livery Company is all about – helping to support and encourage UK builders’ and plumbers’ merchants, distributors and the ancillary trades in any way we can.
Our Company has two charitable funds – one for donations relating to our industry, the City and charitable organisations, and one dedicated to supporting Education & Training in building materials supply.
Over recent years we have sadly all become aware of the mental health crisis facing the wider construction industry, and it’s one that also has a serious impact on the builders’ merchant sector.
Every working day in the UK and Ireland two construction workers take their own life – that’s a frightening statistic. Coupled with reports that over one-third of all construction workers have experienced a mental health condition in the last 12 months, and that almost three-quarters felt their employers don’t recognise the early signs of mental health problems, it’s clear that the entire industry needs to unite to fight back against the stigma of mental health, and to help all our colleagues, family and friends access the help they need, when they need it.
That’s why our Livery Company regularly donates financial support to charities who offer mental health support to those in need. This Mental Health Awareness Week, we wanted to highlight the incredibly important work that many of these charities do.
Mates in Mind
A new recipient of charitable support from WCoBM, Mates in Mind aims to break the stigma around mental health concerns across the industry, and raise awareness and understanding of mental health and mental ill-health. Launched in 2017, the charity was established by the Health in Construction Leadership Group with the support of the British Safety Council to improve the mental health and wellbeing of workplaces across the UK.
In its first year it focused on the construction industry, building a community of Supporter organisations and providing employers with the skills, clarity and confidence to raise awareness, improve understanding and address the stigma of mental ill-health within the workplace.
While the charity has since expanded into additional sectors, it remains committed to supporting the construction sector and has a target to reach 75% of the industry by 2025.
During the charity’s first two years in operation, it created a network of 331 Supporters and delivered more than 690 training days and countless industry events to open the conversation about mental health in the construction sector.
Supporter organisations can access annual assessments of their workplace mental health programme and receive tailored recommendations to identify any gaps in their approach. They can also access an all-employee general mental health awareness programme, and gain access to a dedicated Support Manager and a suite of courses to help all levels of management understand their role in looking after their teams’ mental health.
They can also benefit from discounted rate counselling through the National Counselling Society.
Learn more about Mates in Mind at
Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity
The Company’s donation to the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity in 2022 supports the organisation’s work in providing emotional, physical and financial wellbeing support to the construction community and their families.
A crucial element of the charity’s strategy is to provide free and pro-active resources to those in need. These include a confidential 24/7 Construction Industry Helpline and text HARDHAT service, which offers a range of information, guidance and support on a variety of wellbeing issues.
These services are complemented by the charity’s free Self Support App, which provides information, advice and guidance on many wellbeing topics including stress, anxiety, depression, anger and suicidal thoughts.
The app also gives access to other areas of support for areas such as anger management, drug and alcohol dependency, debt management, legal advice, and emergency financial aid.
The app is 100% confidential and gives people a way to access support if they do not feel comfortable calling the helpline or speaking face-to-face with another person.
When the app was launched, Bill Hill, CEO of the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity, said: “We recognise that not everyone feels comfortable talking about their feelings or personal situation, so the app is aimed at people who would like more information about how they can perhaps help themselves or, if necessary, take the next step in seeking professional help. It is a preventative tool and provides support at the initial stages of a situation so that the problem does not reach a life critical stage.”
As well as mental health support, the charity offers physical and financial support to those in need – both areas that can cause people significant stress and anxiety.
Bill Hill, CEO of the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity said: “We would like to take the opportunity to thank the WCoBM for their generous donation, which will go a long way towards helping our construction community.”
The Self Support app can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play, and you can find out more information about the Lighthouse charity at
Last year, our Company also donated to CRASH to support its work in partnership with the construction industry. CRASH helps homelessness and hospice organisations with their construction projects, donating expertise and construction products to create places that care for people when they’re at their most vulnerable.
Speaking of the donation, CRASH Chief Executive Francesca Roberts said: “CRASH is extremely grateful to the Worshipful Company of Builders’ Merchants for their donation. CRASH relies entirely on the support of the construction industry to help homelessness charities and hospices with vital construction projects. The support from your Company means CRASH can continue to fulfil its mission; to construct places that care for people. A huge thank you to The Master and members.”
Since 1996, CRASH has united the industry and channelled its expertise and products to transform hostels and day centres for homeless people across the UK. In 2016 the charity expanded its beneficiary base to support building projects for hospices as well, creating caring environments for children and adults who need end-of-life care, and where families can spend precious time together.
Like homelessness charities, hospices do crucial work to support people at their most vulnerable, and the environments in which they do this have a huge impact on the wellbeing of both residents and carers.
Research shows that one in four people in the UK experience mental health problems, and this figure increases significantly among people who are homeless, and those with terminal illness. Individuals working in frontline homelessness projects and hospices also experience higher levels of stress than many of their counterparts in other professions.
CRASH works with its Corporate Patrons to create positive, caring environments and to bring together extensive construction expertise to improve the mental wellbeing of vulnerable, homeless individuals, as well as patients, staff and volunteers.
You can learn more about CRASH’s vital work online at
Rainy Day Trust
The Rainy Day Trust (RDT) is working towards a time when all those who have worked in the home improvement and enhancement industry, including builders’ merchants and their families, have the funds they need to live.
RDT works both alone and in partnership with other organisations to provide financial and other assistance to those who have fallen on hard times. Anyone is eligible if they have worked in the manufacture, wholesale, retail and distribution of builders’ merchants, DIY, hardware, potteries and glass, housewares and garden centres, as well as professional tradespeople, their apprentices and trainees.
To be able to access to Trust’s support, they must have less than £10,000 in savings, be on a low income, and have at least one year’s minimum service in the industry.
As well as offering financial assistance for household bills, training, essential house maintenance and mobility equipment, for example, RDT also offers services such as help with fuel poverty, legal advice, apprenticeship support and telephone counselling.
This telephone counselling service was introduced due to the stress and anxiety that financial and other problems such as bereavement or family issues can cause in people’s lives.
RDT has created a programme of five 30-minute telephone counselling sessions that can be arranged to work around the caller’s daily routine. To access this service, callers can contact 0203 192 0486, ask for Telephone Counselling and be put through to a completely confidential service.
More information about the work of the Rainy Day Trust is at
Can you support our efforts?
As a Liveryman or Freeman of our Company you may already be donating and would like to increase your contribution, or if you’ve recently joined our Livery and may want to learn more about how you can support the Company’s charitable work. In either case, members can email our Almoner John Poore at to discuss more.
If you are already donating, we also ask you review your standing order if you haven’t done so for some time. Every penny we receive allows us to donate and support more worthy charities. We are also able to claim Gift Aid on every personal donation made, which gives us an extra 25% on all donations from the government.
John said: “We are incredibly appreciative of all the donations and support received from Liverymen and Freemen, and the past few years have shown how important our charity giving is to those that desperately need it. A big thank you from me to those that help us fulfil one of the key duties of a Livery Company, and for your generosity – the recipients of our donations say an even bigger thank you.”