Mayoralty and Shrievalty – A Letter from the City of London

Dear Masters, Prime Wardens, Upper Bailiff and Clerks,

The Nominations Committee of the Court of Aldermen met earlier this week to consider the Independent Panel’s appraisal and the formal nomination submissions of those Aldermen considering higher Office.

Firstly, the Court of Aldermen would like to take this opportunity to record their sincere and formal thanks to the Independent Appraisal Panel members for their time and diligence in conducting their appraisal of the candidates in nomination, with special thanks to Sir Roger Carr who chaired the Panel.

The Court of Aldermen is pleased to share with the Livery the names of those Aldermen/Alderwomen whom it is supporting for progression to the Mayoralty.

The Court’s position on the Mayoralty for 2023/2024 has already been communicated but I will recap. At the election of the Lord Mayor later this year, if Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli is one of the two Aldermen/Alderwomen whose name is returned by the Livery to the Court, then he will be elected.

In addition to Alderman Mainelli, the Court is pleased to announce that it has agreed to support a strong pipeline of Aldermen/Alderwomen whom they and the Independent Panel consider ready to progress to the Mayoralty over the next few years.

Specifically, the Court agreed that Alderman Alastair King, DL shall be supported for the Mayoralty in 2024/2025, subject to an election at Common Hall in 2024. Consequently, if Alderman King is one of the two Aldermen/Alderwomen whose name is returned at Common Hall in 2024, he will be elected.

For the years 2025/26, 2026/27 & 2027/28, the Court has expressed its support for Alderwoman Dame Susan Langley, Alderman Timothy Hailes, JP and Alderman Bronek Masojada respectively, subject to a formal vote of confirmation in the year preceding.

Whilst Alderman Alison Gowman continues to serve in an exemplary manner as Alderman for the Ward of Dowgate, she is not, at this time, nominated by the Court of Aldermen to progress to Lord Mayor.  She has the full support of the Court of Aldermen in her extensive roles on behalf of the Corporation and many other organisations and in particular her championing of sustainability for the City of London.

In respect of the Shrievalty in 2024/25, the Court’s position is to support Alderman Gregory Jones, KC as the Aldermanic Sheriff.

As in previous years, the Court hopes that this process of deciding which candidates it will support for progression to higher Office in the years ahead continues to be of benefit to the Livery.

Yours sincerely,

Gemma Stokley
Principal Governance and Member Services Manager
Town Clerk’s Office
City of London


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