WCoBM Newsletter October 2016

WCoBM Newsletter October 2016

In this issue we remember three Past Masters who sadly passed away this year. A tribute to each is on Page 4 and 5.

The newsletter also covers the well-attended Master’s weekend in ‘Dublin’s Fair City’ – a very memorable experience – and other popular Livery events such as the Service at the Tower followed by Supper at Trinity House; Shooting; the Summer Lunch; and much more. Past Master Christopher Latham gives a fine account of the trip to Epping Forest, and Editor Mike Rigby interviews Honorary Liveryman General the Lord Dannatt.

We also say goodbye to our Learned Clerk Tim Statham and Almoner Andrew Adams who after 10 years in their respective roles, hand over the reins to new Clerk Virginia Rounding and new Almoner, Past Master John Poore. We wish Tim and Andrew all the best in their retirement.

If you have an interesting story for our next issue or would like to be considered for a Member Profile, email [email protected] or call 01453 521621

Download Master WCoBM newsletter October 2016 online

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