Awarding success and networking

[fusion_text]On the 10th March we hosted our annual City & Awards luncheon at the historic Vintners’ Hall. The Hall is one of the Twelve Great Livery Companies of the City of London. It celebrated its impressive 650th anniversary in 2013.

Although still a ‘young’ event since its inception in 2011, the WCoBM City & Awards luncheon has rapidly become a popular function in the Livery’s calendar.

The key objectives are:

  • To encourage, acknowledge and reward the achievements of individuals and organisations the Livery supports in training and education;
  • To provide a key networking platform for members and their guests before and during the lunch – as you can see from the photos.

The event started with a tour of Vintners’ Hall, followed by a champagne reception. The awards and prizes were presented during lunch.

Alderman & Sheriff Dr Andrew Parmley was the guest of honour. Born and bred in Blackpool, Andrew shared his good ‘northern’ humour with members and guests during lunch before presenting the prizes and awards to our winners. Andrew has a strong background in education and in combining the Arts and Culture with education, training and qualifications. He became Director of Music at Forest School, and then The Grey Coat Hospital in Westminster before moving to The Harrodian School in West London, where he was the first Head of the Senior School and is now the Principal. He has served on most of the Corporation Committees, including Chairman of both the City of London School for Girls and the Guildhall School of Music & Drama.

Presentation of Awards and Prizes

This year, we celebrated the success of the following individuals:

Robert Foden of Builders Supplies (West Coast) – Top Achiever for the BMF Online Training Module. Robert was judged as the most diligent and industrious learner of the BMF online learning area with the highest number of courses completed and the highest average score. He received £500 in recognition of his achievement. Robert was unable to attend to receive his prize and it was sent on.

Private Daniel Myles HQ Company (Canterbury) and Private Kehm Pin – Best Soldier 2014 and Best Recruit of the 3rd Battalion, The Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment. Both were awarded a silver figurine and tankard. Private Kehm Pin was unable to attend the occasion so Regimental Sergeant Major, Gary Richardson took the award on his behalf.

Rachel Hackett – received the Leading Cadet Award of the Beckenham & Penge Sea Cadet Corps.Rachel received a specially inscribed plaque and a box of chocolates. The Cadet Unit were Guard of Honour at the Royal Charter Luncheon, the Master’s Installation Dinner at Mansion House and the Immediate Past Master’s Installation Dinner at Grocers’ Hall.

Jinah Shim – Piano Student, Guildhall School of Music & Drama and the Company’s resident pianist! Jinah received a very well earned cheque of £100 to buy music of her choice. She has played for us on numerous occasions including in a frenzied Post Horn Gallop at the Master’s Installation at Mansion House.

Oliver Dorman – Fine Art Painter City & Guilds of London Art School received £250 and a book on the City & its architectural heritage. Oliver will graduate in wood carving this summer and plans to complete a Masters in Fine Art. Oliver brought an  example of his recent work. He’s painted the Company’s Coat of Arms on a high quality brick which is to be donated as an example of the Company’s products to the Chamberlain’s Court to be viewed there by incoming Freemen of the City of London.

Congratulations to them all[/fusion_text]

About the author

Managing Director, JKW PR & Marketing Tel: 07971 968611 Email: [email protected]

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