WCoBM Newsletter April 2017

In this issue new Master Stephen Turner talks about his first six months, we highlight the nine new Liverymen and nine new Freemen that have joined our growing Livery since the last newsletter was published, and we cover a number of great events that have taken place for members and their guests. Talking of events, details of what’s coming up are on pages 4-6 including our first summer ball, installation dinner at Mansion House and Christmas Supper at the Old Hall at Lincoln’s Inn – back by popular demand! To avoid disappointment please reserve your places early with our Clerk.

Also covered in this edition is an interview with our new Clerk Virginia Rounding about her role and recent book launch, the WCoBM’s success at the Livery School Links exhibition talking to young students about our industry, an update on the Livery’s charitable work, and results from a recent survey with members for their thoughts on the newsletter. A huge thanks to everyone who took part. The feedback was extremely useful and we hope to incorporate suggestions in future issues to make sure the newsletter remains an interesting and relevant read for all.

Download Master WCoBM newsletter April 2017 online

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