New Freemen admitted in January and March

In addition to the seven Liverymen who were installed at the Master’s Installation last October – we welcome nine new Freemen and two new Liverymen to our Livery.

The Company now has 206 Liverymen, 27 Freemen, 2 Honorary Liverymen and 1 Honorary Member. We look forward to seeing you all at the many events organised during the year.

The new Freemen admitted in January and March are:

Peter Hallitt      IMG_32411      Freeman Paul Roche

The opening of new Selco Branch in Beckton, Greater London, UK. Pictured is general views of the store opening. Monday 13th March 2017. Photograph by Sam Stephenson, 07880 703135,      Freeman Chris Whitlock      Freeman Andy Simpson

andrew-harrison      10269_0363      6. Steve Halford

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