6th City & Awards luncheon

In March we hosted our popular annual City & Awards luncheon at Apothecaries’ Hall – the oldest surviving Hall in the City of London. It’s an important event in the Company’s calendar and one of our main networking events, giving members and their guests the opportunity to meet senior industry and City figures. The Guest of Honour was Deputy Richard Regan O.B.E. Chairman of the Cities Livery Committee.

The aim of the luncheon is to recognise and award the achievements of individuals in the industry and organisations the Livery supports. This year prizes went to four BMF students; two soldiers from the 3rd Battalion, PWRR regiment; a Cadet from the Beckenham & Penge Sea Cadets; a student from City & Guilds of London Art School; and a piano student from the Guildhall School of
Music & Drama.

The Master and Guest of Honour presented the prizes to all winners.

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