Christmas Joy at Annual Carol Service & Dinner

The annual Carol Service was held on 9th December at the Tower of London in the historic Chapel Royal of St Peter Ad Vincula. The Honorary Chaplain to the Company, the Reverend Roger Hall, conducted the service. It was a full house with the Master, Past Masters, Wardens, Liverymen, Freemen, partners and guests attending. Special guests included the Master and Clerk of the Guild of Public Relations Practitioners. The choir of the Chapel Royal of St Peter Ad Vincula was superb as usual in leading the Christmas Carols.

Following the Service, over 80 people gathered for supper at the Watermen’s Company Hall nearby. The evening started with a reception of mulled wine or champagne and appetisers, followed by a delicious two course meal accompanied by more wine and port! As you can see by the photos, it was an enjoyable event and is one of the Master’s highlights of his year to date.

This year’s Carol Service is on Friday 14th December followed by supper at the Waterman’s Hall – a date for your diaries!


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Managing Director, JKW PR & Marketing Tel: 07971 968611 Email: [email protected]

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