#BuildACareerWithoutLimits blog

#BuildACareerWithoutLimits was launched to improve awareness and understanding of the building materials sector and its exciting career opportunities. Reaching out to apprentices, school, college and university leavers, those who already work in the sector and career switchers, the campaign is building widespread momentum.

In our latest column for Builders’ Merchants News, WCoBM Education & Training Committee Chairman Brian Blanchard gives an update on recent developments, which includes joining forces with Building People, the Construction Youth Trust and our trade network the Builders Merchants Federation and NMBS.

You can also catch this article in the January issue of BMN here.


Going further to create a better future

When we kickstarted this campaign two years ago, it quickly became apparent how little our industry was known or understood in schools and to the outside world, and how much needed to be done to make our sector look attractive and exciting.

Building materials supply, which includes merchants and their suppliers, is one few young people are likely to consider when entering the employment market or understand how it could benefit their long-term careers. That’s probably because it’s a part of construction they’ve never noticed, or believe it means physically working on construction sites. So finding different ways of explaining what our industry does and why our sector matters has been essential to inspire young people to join, and also to retain talent.

Construction does clearly include ‘hard hats and high vis jackets’, and with an increasing skills shortage, learning a trade can be highly rewarding. But there is an amazing breadth of other exciting and fulfilling jobs, most of which students, apprentices, parents and educational bodies will not be aware of or associate with our industry. Broadening people’s minds so they see the learning, training and development opportunities in building materials supply has been an integral thread.

Career prospects are tremendous. You can start in one job and move into another or start at the bottom and work your way up to the very top. You can start in the warehouse or yard, be a forklift or HGV driver, work on the trade counter, in the showroom, or work on the website or in sales, and progress to branch manager, commercial, financial director or MD. There are many examples of people who’ve done just that, acquiring skills, qualifications and experience on the way. Some run some of the largest companies in the UK.

While communicating positive messages about our industry is an ongoing objective, we recognise that learning new skills can be costly, whether you are joining the industry or already working in it. So WCoBM’s bursary programme is an important part of this campaign. It’s set up for those who need financial support to help their learning and development. Fulfilling one of WCoBM’s key objectives of supporting training and education through the Company’s charitable fund, the bursary of up to £2,000 a person is open to apprentices, employees working with a stockist or building materials’ manufacturer, individuals looking to switch careers, and students coming fresh out of full-time education. The funding gives them an opportunity to develop skills across diverse roles in the building materials sector.

Working together

We are proud of the momentum we’re building with ‘Build A Career’, but we recognise that our voice alone will not be enough to achieve the campaign’s full potential. WCoBM doesn’t have the resources nor the influence to reach all the audiences we need to and achieve the change that’s needed. So it’s vital we work with other bodies and organisations to contribute to this large important task.

Recently, we announced our collaboration with the Builders’ Merchants Federation (BMF) to provide bursaries for three courses in the BMF’s Training Prospectus. We have since extended our funding support to include online learning modules through the BMF Campus. The modules focus on product and technical training at entry level, and personal skills development.

Bursary applications are considered for all training courses dedicated to learning and development in merchanting. It’s important this message reaches far and wide across the industry. The National Merchant Buying Society (NMBS) is playing a pivotal role too in raising awareness of our funding to its membership.

Aligning our activities and support to relevant bodies outside the industry is also important so we are maximising opportunities to reach a very wide range of groups. Recent partnerships include Building People and the Construction Youth Trust, who actively promote careers and skills development in construction.

Building People connects people across the built environment to address the industry challenges of skills, diversity and social value. It’s a free-to-use platform that aggregates and integrates with industry-wide activity, networks and initiatives to enable people to find employers, opportunities and resources, and employers to engage with a range of talent. It also helps individuals find the right kind of information and support to find a career that suits them.

The Construction Youth Trust achieves outstanding work in schools and attracts young people into the construction industry. With our contribution and support, they are able to develop dedicated learning programmes for the building materials sector, helping to push out important messages about our industry and the opportunities.

We have achieved a lot, and yet there is still a lot to do. The job of attracting and retaining great talent is a long-term task, but combining forces means that together we can go further to create a better future.

Spread the word

If you know someone who could benefit from WCoBM’s bursary, share this link: www.wcobm.co.uk/about/build-your-career. All bursary applications are assessed in accordance with financial need and payable on successful completion of the training or course.

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