Our Summer newsletter, published in August, highlights Company activity this year to date. You can download it here or view the newsletter using Flipbook here.

As the pandemic and associated challenges continued into 2021, the Company remained active and resilient. The world of virtual continued, as shown on pages 10-15, allowing the Master and our Company to host, organise and attend a number of events for and on behalf of the Livery, and stay connected with members and the City.

We welcome new faces with Jane, Lady Hilliard as our new Clerk and James Hasler as the new Beadle, but sadly we say goodbye to our past Clerk Virginia as she settles in a new City with her new husband Martin. Read more on pages 3-5.

In member news – pages 6-9 – we highlight the Company’s membership growth with 11 new Liverymen and Freemen, and we speak to new Court Assistant Kevin Fenlon on his career in merchanting.

The Company’s strong links with No Going Back and the success of the scheme are reported on pages 18-19. Launched as a pilot in July 2020, the initiative helps prison leavers find work and rebuild their lives when they come out. The programme is going from strength to strength, exceeding its targets in the first year and helping 55 prison leavers into work.

Last but not least we report on the Company’s main Charity Fund and the Training & Education Fund – pages 20-24. WCoBM’s charitable donations continue to play a significant role in supporting the industry, the City and a wide range of other worthy causes, many of which have been severely impacted by the pandemic. A huge thank you to the Almoner John Poore for his drive and energy to support those in need as much as possible. This included advancing donations ahead of schedule during a difficult time, and allocating additional funds to support the NHS and frontline key workers.

A huge thank you to our sponsors of the Master’s year: H+H, NMBS, ACO, Akzo Nobel, BMF, C&S Builders Merchants, Homeleigh Timber & Building Supplies, James Latham, Marsh Industries and PTL.


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