APPENDIX 8: Objects

The object and intention of the Company is to encourage and foster means of professional and social intercourse and mutual intormation between those concerned with the business of Builders Merchanting and to encourage and foster the business of distributing and merchanting of materials, components and appliances of all kinds used in the building and plumbing industry and ancillary trades in the United Kingdom, by conference and co-operation to bring about maximum production and in furtherance of the said objects and intentions but not in any way in limitation thereof:

  1. To purchase, take on lease, hire or otherwise acquire and maintain a hall, institute, library or other building or premises, and any real or personal property within a radius of three quarters of a mile from the Bank of England in the City of London.
  2. To create and accumulate funds for the benefit of Members of the Company, and the application of the same for the purposes of advancement ot the interests ot the Company and its Members, the relief of existing Members, retired members or Members suffering hardship and the wives, widows, children, orphans and others depending upon them, and for their education in matters relating to the building industry and scholarships, prizes and research in connection therewith, including the establishment or maintenance ot schools or colleges and for any charitable objects.
  3. To have an open heart and attentive ear to the pressing need of all those engaged in the business of a Builders Merchant and to give such assistance and to dispense such other charity as may be considered desirable and possible.
  4. To accept any securities or trusts for the above purposes.
  5. To aid and assist institutes and societies connected with the building industry.
  6. To foster generally good standards of industry and integrity in the trade of builders’ merchants.
  7. Where appropriate, to originate and watch over petitions to Parliament in relation to general measures affecting the profession or craft of a Builders Merchant.
  8. To apply, when to the Court of Assistants the time shall seem meet, to Her Majesty in Council for a Charter of Incorporation.
  9. The doing of all things incidental or conducive to the objects aforesaid or any of them.