WCoBM Winter 2022 Newsletter

Our Winter newsletter is packed with news of key events and activities our Livery, members and guests have enjoyed this year. 

This issue features the Court Consorts’ Luncheon in September, and details on how you can enter your business or nominate an individual for our Caring for the Environment Award (page 2).

We are also providing an update on a number of new initiatives that the Company has begun to support this year, namely the Livery Climate Action Group and Pollinating London Together.

On Pages 8 and 9, you’ll find our regular Charity Update, where we reveal the latest news from the industry’s Maddie Rose Campaign, in partnership with the Construction Youth Trust. You’ll also find a message from our Almoner John Poore on how you can further support the Company’s charity efforts.

As we look ahead to 2023, we have a number of exciting events planned throughout next year, and you can find many of the key dates for your diary on Pages 10 and 11, including our popular City & Awards Luncheon, a wonderful planned Master’s Weekend in Cambridge, and a Summer Social in July at Apothecaries’ Hall.

We hope you enjoy our final newsletter of 2022, with special thanks to the services of JKW PR & Marketing for the design of the newsletter. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all! We hope you have a wonderful Christmas break and a joyful start to 2023.

Download the digital copy here or view via Flipbook.

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