Inter Livery walk supports Lord Mayor’s charity

On the 15th September the annual Inter Livery walk took place, with 21 Masters and their associates taking part in an eight and half mile walk around the City of London, visiting 40 Livery Halls. The total number of walkers was 45, the highest attendance yet.

The walk started at 9am from the Armourers Hall and ended at the Mansion House at 4.45pm. Morning coffee was served at the Furniture Makers Hall and Tea was served at HQS Wellington, the Master Mariners ‘Hall’. A well earned rest was taken for lunch at Bakers Hall.

The Inter Livery walk is organised and led each year by Past Master Stephen Wright of the Worshipful Company of Environmental Cleaners. Now in its seventh year, it has become an important event in the Livery’s calendar. The event raises money for the Lord Mayor’s Charity Appeal and a cheque for £2,200 was presented at the end by Peter Holt, Master of the Environmental Cleaners.

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Managing Director, JKW PR & Marketing Tel: 07971 968611 Email: [email protected]

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