WCoBM is one of the modern Livery Companies of the City of London. Founded in 1961, we became a full Livery Company in 1977 and were granted a Royal Charter in 2012.

Our livery represents all parts of the industry and works to raise the profile of builders’ merchants in the City, highlighting their importance in supplying Britain’s building needs.

Members include leading figures within builders’ merchants, manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, buying groups, service suppliers and a number of ancillary trades. Membership is by invitation only and is a measure of an individual’s contribution to the industry.

The Company plays a key role within the builders’ merchant sector, working to help create a thriving and prosperous industry through networking, co-operation and the interaction of leading industry figures.

We promote training and education and also fundraise for a number of industry charities, as well as supporting the Lord Mayor’s Appeal.

The WCoBM acts as a premier networking platform where senior industry people can meet at organised events throughout the year. Members and their guests have the opportunity to meet senior City figures and visit some fascinating, historic buildings and iconic venues within the City.

Being a Liveryman is a unique opportunity. It is also a lifetime commitment and a wonderful way to keep in touch with industry colleagues and friends both during your working life and after retirement.

Our Aims

Our History

Coat of Arms