APPENDIX 5: Grant of Arms

To ALL AND SINGULAR to whom these Presents shall come Sir Anthony Richard Wagner, Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, Garter Principal King of Arms, John Riddell Bromhead Walker, Esquire, Member of the Royal Victorian Order, upon whom has been conferred the Decoration of the Military Cross, Clarenceux King of Arms, and Walter John George Verco, Esquire, Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, Norroy and Ulster King of Arms Send Greeting! Whereas Charles Frederick Golton, Gentleman, Member of the Institute of Builders’ Merchants, Master of the COMPANY OF BUILDERS’ MERCHANTS OF THE CITY OF LONDON did represent unto The Most Noble Bernard Marmaduke, Duke of Norfolk, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, upon whom has been conferred the Territorial Decoration, Earl Marshal and Hereditary Marshal of England and One of Her Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council, now deceased, that the Company of Builders’ Merchants of the City of London was recognised as a City Company without grant of Livery by a Court of Mayor and Aldermen of the said City holden at Guildhall on the Twenty-first day of November 1972 when also the Ordinances of the said Company were duly enrolled among the records of the said City of London which Ordinances provide that the affairs of the Company shall be managed by a Court which shall consist of a Master, a Senior Warden, a Junior Warden and not fewer than ten nor more than twenty-four Assistants duly elected from

its Members and that application will be made to the Court of Aldermen of the said City of London for a grant of Livery and in due course to The Sovereign in Council for a Charter of Incorporation That the Court of the Company is now desirous of having Armorial Ensigns duly assigned with lawful authority and he therefore, as Master of the Company and on behalf of the said Court did request the favour of His Grace’s Warrant for Our granting and assigning such Arms and Crest and in the same Patent such

Supporters and such Device or Badge as We may consider fit and proper to be borne and used by the Company of Builders’ Merchants of the City of London on seals or otherwise according to the Laws of Arms and forasmuch as the said Earl Marshal did by Warrant under his hand and Seal bearing date the Fifth day of September 1974 authorize and direct Us to grant and assign such Armorial Ensigns accordingly Know Ye therefore that We the said Garter, Clarenceux and Norroy and Ulster in pursuance of His Grace’s Warrant and by virtue of the Letters Patent of Our several Offices to each of Us respectively granted do by these Presents grant and assign unto the COMPANY OF BUILDERS’ MERCHANTS OF THE CITY OF LONDON the Arms following that is to say:-Azure a representation of a Greek portico comprising five Doric Columns upon a Stylobate with Entablature and Pediment Or a Bordure compony Argent and Gules And for the Crest On a Wreath of the Colours A Bee volant Or within a voided Hexagon Gules Mantled Gules doubled Argent And by the Authority aforesaid We do further grant and assign the following Device or Badge that is to say:- A Portico as in the Arms within an Annulet compony Or and Argent And by the Authority aforesaid I the said Garter do by these Presents further grant and assign unto the COMPANY OF BUILDERS’ MERCHANTS OF THE CITY OF LONDON the Supporters following that is to say:- On the dexter side an Owl wings elevated and addorsed Or armed and legged Gules the exterior claw resting on a Log Or and on the sinister side a Pelican wings elevated and addorsed Or beaked and legged Gules the exterior foot resting on a Brick Or, as the same are all in the margin hereof more plainly depicted, to be borne and used for ever hereafter by the Company of Builders’ Merchants of the City of London on Seals or otherwise according to the Laws of Arms In witness whereof We the said Garter, Clarenceux and Norroy and Ulster Kings of Arms have to these Presents subscribed Our names and affixed the Seals of Our several Offices this Thirtieth day of October in the Twenty-fourth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth the Second by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith and in the year of Our Lord One thousand nine hundred and seventy-five.