The WCoBM recently invited Liveryman Andy Williamson to join the Court at a prestigious ceremony last October. Andy is Group MD of IKO plc and has been a Liveryman of the Company since 2008. His advancement to Court Assistant sets him on the path to becoming Master, subject to election. It’s a process that takes...Read More
The Worshipful Company of Builders’ Merchants (WCoBM) continues to grow adding nine new Liverymen and ten new Freemen to its membership this year. In April, the Company welcomed Liverymen Andrew Weiss, President of The Rainy Day Trust; Martyn Smith of MPS Builders’ Merchants; Dennis Smith of Builders Merchants Sector Consultancy; David Dickens of Martin &...Read More
In October last year Leo Martin BBS, MA, FCA was installed as our new Master. The Installation Ceremony took place at the stunning Goldsmiths’ Hall, which is home to the Goldsmiths’ Company, one of the Great Twelve Livery Companies in the City of London. A superb candlelit dinner followed with 245 Liverymen, Freemen and guests...Read More
In this issue, we launch our new interactive website! A significant development that makes it easier for new and existing members, and other visitors to learn about our Livery and benefit from the new features on the site. The newsletter also covers new events this year such as York Races and the Brigantes Breakfast up...Read More