Our Summer newsletter is packed with news of key events and activities our Livery, members and guests have enjoyed this year. 

This issue features thoughts from our Master, the winners of the City & Awards Luncheon in March (pages 10-13), and an in-depth look at the Master’s Weekend, where members of our Company joined the Master in Cambridge to enjoy the City’s fascinating history (pages 15-17).

We also include a round-up of many of the exciting events the Company has held so far in 2023, and an update on the Livery Food Initiative, one of a number of charities that the company is supporting.

On page 8, there is information on the Environmental, Social and Governance Working Party that has been set up to produce and help implement a draft ESG policy, and a possible Climate Action Plan to assess how we can improve our carbon footprint.

On Pages 20-25, you’ll find our regular Charity Update, where we reveal the charities the Company supported with donations during 2021 and 2022. You’ll also find a message from our Almoner John Poore on how you can further support the Company’s charity efforts.

We hope you enjoy our latest newsletter, with special thanks to the services of JKW PR & Marketing for their work on the newsletter.

Download the digital copy here or view via Flipbook.

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