Our Summer 2024 newsletter is packed with news of key events and activities our Livery, members and guests have enjoyed this year. 

In this issue we introduce all the new Freemen who have joined the Company since the start of the year. We also reveal which of our Liverymen has received a British Empire Medal, and explore some of the incredible charity work that our Liverymen carry out to give back to their communities, exemplified by Liveryman Alistair McAuley’s work with the Outward Bound Trust.

Plus, the WCoBM also has funding available to help support training and skills development in the building materials industry, and we reveal who is eligible and how you can make the most of this opportunity.

Plus, we have our usual round-up of the fantastic events the Company has enjoyed this year, including  our Summer Social at the RAC Club, our City & Awards Luncheon, and the recent Master’s Weekend in Bath.

We hope you enjoy our latest newsletter, with special thanks to the services of JKW PR & Marketing for their work.

Download the digital copy here or view it online.

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