A briefing on topics discussed at the latest Livery Committee meeting, plus an update on annual events of interest to Liverymen. Download hereRead More
Master Alan Hawkins has reaffirmed the Company’s commitment to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues by signing new versions of a number of WCoBM’s policies. On 1st February 2024, the Master re-signed the Diversity, Equality and Inclusivity Policy, the ESG Policy, and the Company’s Modern Slavery policy, which confirms that he is supportive of the...Read More
Worshipful Company of Builders’ Merchants has welcomed nine new Freemen to the Company. The following new Freemen were admitted on 1st February 2024: Chris Dawson, Brett Martin David Grace, Kilwaughter Minerals David Millward, Fernco Martin Moran, MP Moran Ciaran Morton, Lawsons Neil Sabey, Harlow Timber Group Duncan Thomson, Builders’ Merchant Company Jane Thomson, Builders’ Merchant...Read More
We spoke to Liveryman Alistair McAuley about his many years of charitable work and fundraising for the Outward Bound Trust. Interacting with nature and spending time outdoors is proven to help young people develop valuable new skills and grow in confidence, as well as tackling mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. That’s why...Read More
Sea-Change Sailing Trust’s ‘Sail Cargo’ initiative is a way to engage trainees in low-carbon delivery at heavily discounted prices while providing residential opportunities for young people and vulnerable adults to learn and develop aboard a ship. Since 2007, Sea-Change Sailing Trust has worked residentially afloat with young people, vulnerable adults, and seamanship trainees. The current Lord Mayor, Professor...Read More
Our Winter 2023 newsletter is packed with news of key events and activities our Livery, members and guests have enjoyed this year. This issue features thoughts from both our current Master, Alan Hawkins, and Immediate Past Master Richard Hill. We also announce that nominations are open for the 2024 WCoBM Caring for the Environment Award...Read More
Charity work and philanthropy is a central tenet of the Livery movement, and something Worshipful Company of Builders’ Merchants strongly believes in. One of the charities to benefit this year was the Build Up Foundation. Here, we take an in-depth look at Build Up’s work, and how WCoBM has helped. Every member of the Company...Read More
Below is the latest update from the Development Team at St. Paul’s Cathedral, which includes details of the Cathedral’s upcoming Christmas schedule, as well as details of two major projects that have been completed this year. As the autumn colours fall away and the days draw in we can at least look forward to the...Read More
Alan Hawkins was installed as the new Master of the Worshipful Company of Builders’ Merchants (WCoBM) on 27th October, 2023, in a prestigious ceremony at Drapers’ Hall, London. Though not a builders’ merchant himself, the Master’s career has always been closely linked with the construction and building product distribution sectors. A qualified chartered accountant, he...Read More
Immediate Past Master Richard Hill looks back over 2022-2023 and his year as Master of the Company. “I write these words at the end of my year as Master, reflecting on a difficult but fulfilling year representing the Worshipful Company of Builders’ Merchants. “It was my greatest fear that my Consort and wife, Katja would...Read More